You HAVE to See This Insane Pittsburgh House Listing!

Victorian furnishings, an indoor beach, and a full-on space command center? Sign me up!

Photo courtesy of Getty Images.

Last night, I was minding my own business when Twitter user @golden_daylight sent me a viral tweet thread with the caption, "only in Pittsburgh." I thought she was sending me something sports-related, but no. I love my Pittsburgh sports, but this was infinitely better. When I saw the Pittsburgh City Paper's article about it this morning, I knew I had to talk about it.

Not to be dramatic, but this Plum house listing is the BEST HOUSE I'VE EVER SEEN. Shout-out to Twitter user @frazierapproves for posting about it. When I say it has everything, I mean it. This is the kind of house that you dreamed of living in when you were a kid. It's got a pool. It's got Victorian furnishings. It's got a galactic wall and robots. It's got a space command center. It even has an indoor beach. It even has a tiki-themed bathroom complete with a wooden toilet! I don't know what kind of person currently lives here, but I want to find them and be their best friend.

The best part about this listing is that it starts out relatively normal. The outside of the house looks like your average, run-of-the-mill Pittsburgh home, or at least the front yard does. According to the City Paper, the house has been on the market for two days, and you can buy it for the cool price of $159,900. Beware, there is some language, but you can see the Tweet thread below for yourself:

If you eventually buy this house, please tell me so I can come over. I'm dying to see it in person!

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