Everyone thinks they have their hacks and tricks when it comes to traveling…well this one backfired!
· Adriana Ocampo went viral a few days ago. We’ve all been there…we check in and weight our luggage and HOPE…it’s under 50 pounds, so they don’t charge us extra. Well, Adriana’s suitcase was over…so she tried to wear 13 pounds of clothing.
· For reference… she’s a petite 19-year-old…and she was wearing 6 layers of pants and wearing 15 different things.
· But she did it! She got her luggage to the correct weight.
· HOWEVER…despite their commitment to the hack, it still didn’t work. The airline told them she still had to pay the $65 fine!
· How is that okay? You should be allowed to wear as many layers as you want on a flight!
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